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租车须知 Car Information

上海零距离 > 租车须知 Car Information

 (租车带司机服务)订车流程(Car with a driver service) to provide car processes:
1、您传真或E-MAILL,上面写明:用车日期、所需车型、上车的具体时间、地点和联系人手机及大致行程,留下您公司电话和传真。 1, you fax or E-MAILL, the above reads as follows: car date, the necessary models, on the train the specific timing, location and contact phone and generally trip, leaving your company’s telephone and fax.
2、在收到您的传真或E-MAILL后,我方会回传一份租车确认书(合同),上面明确您的用车情况及价格含什么费用(司机工资、燃油费、车辆保险),不含什么费用(路桥费、停车费及司机食宿)。 2, upon receipt of your fax or E-MAILL after, we will return a rental confirmation (contract), above, clear your car and the price with what costs (driver wages, fuel costs, vehicle insurance ), excluding any costs (路桥费, parking charges and the driver board and lodging).
3、双方盖章签字确认。 3, the two sides sealed the signature confirmation.

(长期租车不带司机)空车租赁 (Car without driver) of empty lease:

一、上海市户口人士承租: First, Shanghai accounts to rent:
1.提供本人身份证、驾驶证、全家户口本的原件。 1. To provide my ID card, driver’s license, the family of the original account.

二、非上海市户口人士承租: Second, non-Shanghai people rent account:
1.提供本人身份证、驾驶证的原件。 1. To provide my ID card, driver’s license of the original. 提供不低于所租车价值的经济抵押。 Car Rental to provide no less than the economic value of collateral.
2.需要上海市居民提供担保,担保人提供本人身份证、驾驶证、全家户口本的原件。 2. Shanghai residents need to provide security, a guarantor to provide my ID card, driver’s license, the family of the original account.

三、国家行政部门及企业单位承租1.提供法人营业执照副本、法人身份证的原件及单位公章。 Third, the state administrative departments and business units lease 1. To provide a copy of legal person business licenses, corporate identity and the original seal units.
2.提供驾驶员身份证和驾驶证的原件。 2. To provide the driver identity card and driver’s license of the original.

四、港澳台同胞及外宾承租: Fourth, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan compatriots and foreign guests rent:
1.提供返乡证或本人护照、外国人员居留证、中国驾照的原件。 1. To provide home card or my passport, residence permit for foreign personnel, the Chinese driver’s license of the original.
2.需要上海市居民提供担保,担保人提供本人身份证、驾驶证、全家户口本的原件。 2. Shanghai residents need to provide security, a guarantor to provide my ID card, driver’s license, the family of the original account.

五、外企公司1.提供外国(地区)企业税务登记证、首席代表证的原件及本单位合同章。 Fifth, foreign companies 1. To provide foreign countries (regions) corporate tax registration certificate, the chief representative of the original certificate and the unit Chapter contract.
2.经办人出具本人有效护照或身份证及中国驾照的原件。 2. Managers I issued a valid passport or identity card and driver’s license of the original Chinese.

六、外企公司办事处或代表处1.提供外国(地区)企业常驻代表机构登记证、首席代表证的原件及本单位合同章。 Sixth, foreign companies or representative offices 1. To provide foreign countries (regions), Permanent Representative of bodies corporate registration certificate, the chief representative of the original certificate and the unit Chapter contract.
2.经办人出具本人有效护照或身份证及中国驾照的原件。 2. Managers I issued a valid passport or identity card and driver’s license of the original Chinese.

注:1.根据租赁车型的不同,需交纳叁万元以下的预付金。 Notes: 1. In accordance with the lease of the different models, the need to pay three million prepaid payment.

2.汽车图片仅供参考,请以零距离实际提供车辆为准。Car picture is for reference only, please provide the vehicle to the actual distance the two, whichever is.
3.因突发原因租赁原有车辆发生变故,本公司可以用同等级别(或高于该车级别)的车辆替代。Reasons due to sudden changes in vehicle original lease, the Company can use the same level (or above the car level) to replace the vehicles.

As the seasons change, the price will be slightly adjusted.



*大客户部专线(长租客户):13166326066 朱小姐   13023271127 许先生


班车租赁 Train lease
涉外包车 Foreign-chartered
旅游租车 Travel chartered bus
空车租赁 Empty rental
企业租车 Enterprise Car Rental
机场接送 Airport Shuttle
汽车租赁 Rental car
长途往返 Long-distance round-trip
会议租车 Conference Car
司机租赁 Drivers lease
商务租车 Car Rental Business
上海包车 Chartered Shanghai
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联 系 人:庞先生(18964600448)、李先生(18918139975)、高小姐(18918138389)、范小姐 *企业长期租车专线:朱小姐(13166326066) 许先生(13023271127)
电话:021-51085778 51699975 56147136 56147266(平时9:00-17:30) 021-51699975(24小时值班电话) 传 真:021-56147957
地址: 浦西租车分部:1、上海市邯郸路98号甲11层(无锡大厦) 2、上海市汶水东路121号702~708座 3、上海市凇南路459号217座 4、上海市水电路638号410A、411室 5、上海市宁国南路85号(杨浦大桥下大型专用停车场)浦东租车分部:浦东新区峨山路613号B区(陆家嘴金融商圈近东方路)