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会议租车 Conference Car

上海零距离 > 会议租车 Conference Car

  Important international meetings, important meetings industry, well-known global or regional meetings, participants are usually a large number, the identity of a higher, if the host location, vehicle scheduling may not be a problem, if held in different places, then the vehicle scheduling on worth on this issue.

通常,异地举办会议基本上委托当地专业机构代理,车辆调度涉及到主办者与代理方的沟通,还涉及到会议举办地的车源问题。 Typically, the organization of meetings in different places is basically the local professional organizations commissioned agents, vehicle scheduling related to the organizer and agent communication, but also to the meeting organized by the source of the problem of cars. 对于主办方,通常只提出用车要求及安排要求,而代理公司则要考虑时间安排、预定的合理车辆数量、行走时间及线路等等。 For the organizers, usually only require car requirements and arrangements, and the agency has to consider the timing of the scheduled reasonable number of vehicles, running time and the lines and so on.

因此,主办方应该提前告诉代理方相对准确的与会者抵达时间、人数、此时间段内抵达客人的身份及车辆使用标准,并告诉代理方如果出现与预告情形不符时希望采取的弥补措施及愿意为此承担的代价。 Therefore, organizers should be told in advance agent was relatively accurate arrival time, the number of visitors arrived in this time period the identity and the use of standard vehicle and told agent and notice if there is not the case when the hope that measures taken to make up and are willing to bear the cost.

会议、会务接待用车推荐车型: Meeting, conference reception car models recommended:

45座:豪华型金龙大巴 45: Luxury Jinlong bus
49座:豪华型金龙大巴 49: Luxury Jinlong bus
33座:豪华型金龙中巴 33: Luxury Jinlong CMB
17座: 依维柯福特全顺面包车 17: Iveco or Ford Transit van
10座经济型: 金杯或得力卡面包车商务人员专用车: 别克GL8公务舱别克君威 10 economy: JinBei or effective business card van staff dedicated car: Buick GL8 business class, Buick Regal

高级人员专用车: 奔驰维雅诺(全新款)、奔驰新款S320奔驰新款S600 Senior officers of Special Purpose Vehicle: The new Mercedes-benz vianoThe new Mercedes-Benz S320, the new Mercedes-Benz S600
租车服务:021-51085778   021-51699975 Car Rental Service :021-51085778 021-51699975
传   真:021-56147957 Fax :021-56147957 


班车租赁 Train lease
涉外包车 Foreign-chartered
旅游租车 Travel chartered bus
空车租赁 Empty rental
企业租车 Enterprise Car Rental
机场接送 Airport Shuttle
汽车租赁 Rental car
长途往返 Long-distance round-trip
会议租车 Conference Car
司机租赁 Drivers lease
商务租车 Car Rental Business
上海包车 Chartered Shanghai
合作媒体: 租车服务 大客车租赁 上海租车公司 企业租车 深圳租车 更多>>>
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联 系 人:庞先生(18964600448)、李先生(18918139975)、高小姐(18918138389)、范小姐 *企业长期租车专线:朱小姐(13166326066) 许先生(13023271127)
电话:021-51085778 51699975 56147136 56147266(平时9:00-17:30) 021-51699975(24小时值班电话) 传 真:021-56147957
地址: 浦西租车分部:1、上海市邯郸路98号甲11层(无锡大厦) 2、上海市汶水东路121号702~708座 3、上海市凇南路459号217座 4、上海市水电路638号410A、411室 5、上海市宁国南路85号(杨浦大桥下大型专用停车场)浦东租车分部:浦东新区峨山路613号B区(陆家嘴金融商圈近东方路)