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上海零距离 > 新款丰田考斯特COASTER22座预订

车型名称: 新款丰田考斯特COASTER22座预订
点 击 量:
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费用包括: 司机工资+保险
另付费用: 汽油费、过桥过路费、停车费
Detailed Description: The new Toyota  COASTER22 Block (2011 Coaster) in long-term bus rental reservations
Basic cost: 16,000 yuan / month / year From
Costs include: driver wages + insurance
Extra cost: petrol ,the bridge tolls, parking fees

注: 上下班接送的班车租赁价格和租车合同期限、车型以及线路有较大差别。班车租赁合同期在三年以上可购置全新车辆,具体租赁价格可直接来电咨询:
*大客户部专线(长租客户):13166326066 朱小姐   13023271127 许先生
Note: Shuttle bus to work the lease term of the contract price and car rental, cars and lines are quite different. Shuttle lease contract in the purchase of new vehicles can be more than three years, the specific rental prices directly to inquire:
* Taikehubu line (long rental customers): 13166326066 Miss Zhu

班车租赁 Train lease
涉外包车 Foreign-chartered
旅游租车 Travel chartered bus
空车租赁 Empty rental
企业租车 Enterprise Car Rental
机场接送 Airport Shuttle
汽车租赁 Rental car
长途往返 Long-distance round-trip
会议租车 Conference Car
司机租赁 Drivers lease
商务租车 Car Rental Business
上海包车 Chartered Shanghai
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联 系 人:庞先生(18964600448)、李先生(18918139975)、高小姐(18918138389)、范小姐 *企业长期租车专线:朱小姐(13166326066) 许先生(13023271127)
电话:021-51085778 51699975 56147136 56147266(平时9:00-17:30) 021-51699975(24小时值班电话) 传 真:021-56147957
地址: 浦西租车分部:1、上海市邯郸路98号甲11层(无锡大厦) 2、上海市汶水东路121号702~708座 3、上海市凇南路459号217座 4、上海市水电路638号410A、411室 5、上海市宁国南路85号(杨浦大桥下大型专用停车场)浦东租车分部:浦东新区峨山路613号B区(陆家嘴金融商圈近东方路)